How to choose the right chart or Graph for the Annual Report?

A graphic display of information helps to convey the desired idea, reinforce the stated conclusion.
In such a situation, a correctly selected high chart can fundamentally change the perception of information. Highchart is a charting library, which is available in JavaScript. By using Highcharts one can conveniently add interactive charts to any of their web application to generate any kind of reports.
One of the difficulties that significantly slow down reporting and analytic work is finding the right type of chart to create reports.
To make any report with chart that explains and demonstrates accurate analytics, you first need to understand the reasons why you might need it. In this article, we will consider five questions that arise when choosing a chart type.
5 basic questions to ask when picking up the right chart for yourself
1. Need a chart to compare different values?
Charts are ideal for comparing one or more sets of values, and they can display the lowest and highest scores. This can be done by using a histogram, pie chart, scatter chart, scale with values.
2. Do you want to represent the structure of something?
For example, you want to talk about the types of mobile devices that visitors use the site or the total sales segmented.
To show the structure, use the following charts: pie chart, stacked histogram, vertical stack, regional chart, waterfall chart.
3. If you want to understand how the data is distributed?
Distribution tables help to understand the main trends and note what goes beyond with the help of a scatter chart, line chart, bar chart.
4. Do you want to analyze trends in a particular data set?
If you want to learn about how numbers behave during a particular time slot, there are types of charts that display this very well such as a line chart, a double axis, a histogram.
5. Want to study the relationship between the set values?
Interconnected graphs are suitable to represent how one value relates to another or several different variables. This can be represented by using the scatter chart, bubble chart, and line chart.
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